3821 fc / 41,139 Lux at 3.3' / 1 m*
424 fc / 4571 Lux at 9.8' / 3 m
181 fc / 1955 Lux at 16.4' / 5 m
4396 fc / 47,322 Lux at 3.3' / 1 m*
488 fc / 5258 Lux at 9.8' / 3 m
208 fc / 2244 Lux at 16.4' / 5 m
45° at 3200K:
13,293 fc / 143,100 Lux at 3.3' / 1 m (con Reflector)*
1477 fc / 15,900 Lux at 9.8' / 3 m (con Reflector)
540 fc / 5816 Lux at 16.4' / 5 m (con Reflector)
45° at 5600K:
15,526 fc / 167,130 Lux at 3.3' / 1 m (con Reflector)*
1725 fc / 18,570 Lux at 9.8' / 3 m (con Reflector)
631 fc / 6800 Lux at 16.4' / 5 m (con Reflector)
*Medida standard calculada con la distancia mas cercana
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